Monday, December 17, 2012

Jenney On her Soap Box: The Newtown, CT Tragedy

I had originally planned to blog about what to do if your unemployed around the Holidays, but that's now on hold due to the heinous tragedy which occurred Friday. I 'm now going to "get on my soap box".

The phrase "getting on my soap box" was apparently coined some time at least a century ago when someone who needed to be seen heard would stand, literally, on a soap box.-Gosh!... There is so much to say on my "soap box"-and yet it seems that no words could ever do justice to the horrific massacre that has happened in Connecticut.

 I have heard and seen many opinions about this unspeakable horror, and that it was due to lax gun laws, not enough being done to help people with Mental Health issues, that we're not keeping our kids safe at their schools, and lastly, we have a violent society. Some of these views, I strongly agree with and I share them with you along with my own opinions and information.

The basis of the Gun Control Act of 1968 is this:

License requirements were expanded to include more dealers, and more detailed record keeping was expected of them; handgun sales over state lines were restricted; the list of persons dealers could not sell to grew to include those convicted of felonies (with some exceptions), those found mentally incompetent and drug users. The key element of this bill outlawed mail order sales of rifles and shotguns. 
And in 1994 the Violent Crime And Law Enforcement Act, commonly referred to as the "Assault Weapons Ban," banned the manufacture, possession, and importation of new semiautomatic assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices (or magazines) for civilian use.:
 Federal Gun Control Legislation - Timeline — 

So why, and I really ask Why weren't there any Red Flags when Aurora, Co shooter James Eagan Holmes was ordering tons of Ammo online? And why are there more firearms available to civilians?

I was sent this heated debate on Gun Laws by a family member of mine.

 I do highly feel that more needs to be done to help people with Mental Health, which this mother, whom I admire writes about:  

There is Laura's Law here in California, but the mentally ill person, basically, has to be jailed before anything is done:'s_Law

I do not agree that everyone that is having difficulty mentally is violent. I have actually known some persons to be very loving, nervous or sad. And mentally ill people are more likely to be victims of violence :

Schools for some time have had strict safety measures. I have worked for five years as a preschool Teacher's Aide some 15 years ago. Students were picked up only by those people authorized to pick up the student, and that Authorized Person had to sign his/her name. If there were any serious problems regarding a person not on the Authorization Form, we were trained to close the classroom, keep the children calm and the Administrative Office would call the Police.

I saw on HLN, this morning, that a parent had tweeted that her 5-year-old now knows that if he hears gunshots, he's to hide in the classroom closet. Is this to be the norm for children?

I have heard, recently, that we are a violent society. There's violence in video games, movies, TV-you name it. But I have done essays, some time ago, which suggest we, as human beings need each other to grow and better ourselves, and that when we are exposed to violence we tend to be aggressive. I think one of the best people to explain who we are is my favorite author, the late Dr. LeoBuscaglia:

 It may be that someone is out of work for a while and doesn't know how the bills are going to be paid. That person didn't get that dream job that he or she was a perfect fit for.  That person can say that he or she is angry, but he or she can also not let anger turn to hate and define him or her. I grew up believing that hate is a very hurtful word. But now I believe that hate is a very destructive word. We should turn to Love and each other, not only during the Holiday Season but everyday. Find something good in a person, even if your co-worker can be really obnoxious. Who knows? May be this crazy world would be a better place if we try.

I'm going to leave you with an important message. Even if you don't believe in God or believe in another Deity, please take this to heart. :

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

International Job Resources Is Now InJobber

After much thought ( and recommendations from some friends and family) I decided to  rename International Job Resources, InJobber. First, it was a suggestion by a family member that I shorten the original Web Address (  - and I came up with Then, when I was explaining  this Blog to a couple of friends, they thought the name was "InJobber," and would occasionally ask me how that "InJobber" Blog of mine was doing. I found the name to be pretty catchy, and even told of couple of other people that it was the nickname of this Blog. So, for those of you wondering how that "InJobber" Blog of mine is doing...Well, It's now breathing a whole new life as it is officially renamed InJobber.  Thanks a lot for your suggestions and support.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Career Advice: 5 Job Search Tips For 2012

 I came across this as I'm reediting my LinkedIn profile. Currently, I'm looking for a position as a Medical Receptionist as I'm working in Internet Marketing part-time. I hope this helps you as it's helping me.
Please leave a comment below or contact me : for any questions, to give advice or request Job Listings.

Career Advice: 5 Job Search Tips For 2012